Ascensus, the Ohio 529 partner who hosts our secure site, which you use to access your account, will be performing routine maintenance from midnight to 7 a.m. EST on Sunday, March 2.
During this outage, Ohio 529 and Ascensus will be unable to process any Ohio 529 account transactions or account changes, including withdrawals, contributions, and investment option changes, online or by phone. All transaction requests, including recurring contributions (automatic investments), received after 4 p.m. EST on Friday, Feb. 28, will be processed on Monday, March 3.
ReadySave 529 app resources will also be limited during the blackout period. Account owners will only be able to view account balances during this time.
Since 1989, Ohio 529 CollegeAdvantage has been helping families across the nation save for their children’s education after high school. Ohio 529 covers qualified costs at any four-year college or university, two-year community college, trade or vocational school, apprenticeship approved by the U.S. Labor Department, or certificate program nationwide that accepts federal financial aid. Learn, plan, and start for as little as $25 today at CollegeAdvantage.