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529 Gift Central
Ohio's 529 Plan is the best way to be sure a gift will be spent on higher education — college, trade or tech school, certificate programs, grad school, apprenticeships, and more. Students can use the gift at schools nationwide.
Education is the gift parents and grandparents prefer.
Parents and grandparents agree that education is the gift they’d prefer over other items for kids — and Ohio’s 529 Plan has all kinds of ways for people to pitch in.
Get an Ohio tax deduction.If you’re an Ohio taxpayer, gift givers can qualify for a deduction up to $4,000 per student, per year. You don’t need to own the account to qualify.
With as little as $25, you can give a gift for any occasion

Three reasons even a small gift can help a lot.
Ohio’s 529 Plan can be used for all kinds of education expenses, from the biggies like tuition to smaller items like books and supplies. See what qualifies as an expense.
Your gift will grow tax-free, so it has the potential to become much larger over time.
It can be used tax-free — nationwide — at more than 30,000 colleges, trade and tech schools, certificate programs, apprenticeships, grad schools, and more.
How Ugift makes life easier for everyone.
Visit UGift529.com
Questions about Ugift? We've got answers.
You also have other options for gifts.
Prefer to do this old school? No problem. Ask the account owner for their 11-digit account number. Include that number in the memo line of your check payable to the Ohio Tuition Trust Authority. You don’t need a special deposit slip.
Mail to:
CollegeAdvantage Direct 529 Savings Plan
P.O. Box 219305
Kansas City, MO 64121-9305
You can open a 529 Plan for any future or current student as a gift and be the account owner. Many grandparents choose this option.
If you haven’t reviewed the information for non-parent account owners, here’s where you can find it.
If you’re ready to open a new account, go to our Start section.
Choose a free greeting card for your gift.
These free cards are great for:
- Sending a Ugift notification
- Letting someone know you sent a gift in their name to CollegeAdvantage
- Enclosing a check made out to CollegeAdvantage so the parents can write the account number in the memo line and send it themselves

You can order up to 10 total cards per day, per person.