
You’ll find performance data, fees and expenses, and price history here.

Ohio’s 529 Plan is consistently rated one of the nation’s best by Morningstar and Long-term performance with exceptional cost-efficiency are two of the main factors in those ratings. If you have more questions, our knowledgeable customer service team is ready to help with anything except providing investment selection advice.

1-800-AFFORD-IT (233-6734) Available Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. ET

You can easily compare the expenses of different investment options here. To help you navigate, here are some definitions:

Underlying Fund Expenses: charged by mutual fund managers; generally higher for actively managed funds and lower for index funds.

Portfolio Accounting & Administration Fee: funds the complex management of the unit trusts that hold the actual underlying funds as explained in the offering statement.

OTTA Fee: since the Plan receives no taxpayer funding, this provides the operating budget for Ohio’s 529 Direct Plan.

Record-Keeping Fee: ensures compliance with the complex federal requirements governing 529 Plans.

This shows performance details for each investment option in different timeframes. Some definitions to help navigate:

Benchmark: Each investment has a performance measure called a benchmark, however we show performance after fees and expenses (net performance) so it’s normal for the investment to trail the benchmark slightly.

Inception Date: When the investment became available in our Direct Plan, not necessarily when the underlying mutual fund was started.

Performance Displayed: Results are annualized, not cumulative; N/A means the fund hasn’t been in the Plan long enough to show results for that timeframe.

Life of Fund: Performance from the inception date to the most reporting date.

NOTE: As the 2044 Advantage Age-Based Portfolio was launched on July 19, 2024, its YTD investment performance data will not be available until a later date.  This is in compliance with CFA Institute Investment Performance Standards as well as OTTA’s investment policy of focusing on longer term performance.    

See prices as of the last close date as well as one-year high and low for all current investment options. You can view charts or tables and export spreadsheet data. Enter a date range and choose up to five portfolios or options to look up.

To view price history on specific investment portfolios and options:

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To view price history on specific investment portfolios and options:

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